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Gearing up for the greenest
celebration of the year?! Us too!


St. Patrick’s Day is a time of celebration, camaraderie, and festivities – but instead of relying on the luck of the Irish, let’s keep mindfulness and safety a top priority. Whether you’re rocking your green attire, attending a parade or party, or enjoying traditional Irish fare, it’s essential to keep these safety tips in mind for a memorable and accident-free celebration.


 Safe Driving 

  • Never drink and drive. If you’ve been drinking, do not get behind the wheel. Instead, opt for a designated driver, rideshare service, or public transportation.
  • It’s worth saying a second time: keep rideshare services in mind! Take advantage of platforms like Uber or Lyft to get home without the need to drive. This not only keeps you safe but also helps reduce the risk of accidents on the road.
  • Be aware of increased traffic. St. Patrick’s Day celebrations may lead to increased traffic. If you are driving, stay alert, obey traffic laws, and drive defensively.

According to NHTSA, St. Patrick’s Day is one of the deadliest days on our nation’s roads.

  • There were 272 lives lost in drunk-driving crashes during the holiday period (March 16-18) between 2017 and 2021.
  • Though drunk-driving fatalities are more likely to occur at night, drunk driving puts people’s lives in danger at any time of the day. During that same period above, there were 31 daytime drunk-driving fatalities.
  • In addition to the lives that are impacted, the toll drunk driving has on our economy can be devastating. Alcohol-related crashes resulted in $57 billion in economic costs.

 Safe Celebrating 

Irish celebrations often involve raising a glass or two, but it’s crucial to do so responsibly:
  • Be cautious in crowds. Large gatherings can be overwhelming, so be mindful of your surroundings. Stay aware of exits and emergency routes.
  • Watch out for trip hazards. In crowded or unfamiliar environments, be cautious of uneven surfaces, steps, or other potential trip hazards.
  • Look out for others. Keep an eye on your friends and fellow partygoers. If someone appears intoxicated, help them find a safe way home or contact someone who can assist.
  • Know your limits. Enjoy the St. Patrick’s Day festivities, but be aware of your alcohol tolerance. Pace yourself and alternate alcoholic drinks with water to stay hydrated.
  • Eat before drinking. Having a meal before drinking can slow down the absorption of alcohol, reducing its effects.


St Patricks Day Decorations


 Safe Hosting 

Whether you’re hosting a St. Patrick’s Day gathering or attending one:
  • Clear pathways. Ensure that your party space is free of obstacles to prevent accidents and injuries.
  • Plan for transportation. If hosting a party, consider arranging transportation options for your guests, such as providing information on rideshare services or arranging a shuttle.
  • Monitor alcohol consumption. As a host, be attentive to your guests’ alcohol intake. Encourage responsible drinking and have mocktails available.
St. Patrick's Day ShamrockCheck out these 6 non-alcoholic drink options for your St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans – including a fan-favorite, the Shamrock Shake!

 … and Safe Parading! 

  • Arrive early and choose a safe viewing spot away from the parade route’s edge. This ensures a clear view while minimizing the risk of accidentally getting too close to passing floats or vehicles.
  • Keep an eye on the little leprechauns.Crowded events can be overwhelming. If you’re bringing kids along, make sure they’re within arm’s reach.
  • Mind the weather. Irish luck doesn’t always guarantee sunny skies. Be prepared for any weather conditions – bring sunscreen, umbrellas, or jackets if needed.
  • Respect the parade participants.Floats, marchers, and performers are all there to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day alongside you. Give them space, don’t cross barricades, and follow the guidance of parade officials for a smooth event.
  • Know the parade route. Familiarize yourself with the route and any designated entry and exit points. This knowledge will come in handy if you need to leave or find a specific location.
  • If you see something, say something. Be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to event organizers or law enforcement to ensure a safe environment for everyone.


By following these tips for responsible driving, drinking, partying, and socializing, you can ensure that your festivities are memorable for all the right reasons. Cheers to a happy and accident-free St. Patrick’s Day!

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