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We’re here for you when times are sweet, and more importantly, when things get crumby.
Merry Christmas from all of us here at Badger Mutual Insurance!

‘Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the house,

Mrs. Breadman was stirring, and so was her spouse,

The Breadmans were preparing for their Christmas Eve,

When something had happened, you wouldn’t believe.

The gumdrops that sat on the rooftop came crashing.

And with a bang, they ripped down the flashing.

With their rooftop in shambles, Mr. Breadman did see,

That in their front lawn, was lots of debris.

So, he put on his coat, and stepped through the door,

Only to find the damage far more.

He walked to inspect, his gingerbread dwelling,

On the icing, he slipped, and then came the swelling.

His leg was a-throbbing, and Mrs. Breadman did cry

When she decided to take him to the doctor nearby.

In the car they did go, and they sped down the road,

With a bump and a hiss, their tire did explode.

“What rotten luck,” Mrs. Breadman did sigh

But she recalled, their assistance for the roadside

She knew in a moment, with her phone she could ring,

the local repair shop, and help they would bring.

She called and explained they needed help swiftly,

“Just hang on tight, ”We’ll be there in a jiffy.”

With a tick of the clock, their headlights did appear

With a tick of the clock, their headlights appeared.

And being stranded on Christmas Eve was no longer feared.

The tire was changed, and a claim their agent did file,

Badger Mutual would reimburse the customer in just a short while.

Their agent’s help and heart were a true Christmas blessing.

For the Breadmans could celebrate with very little stressing.

Not flashing, nor falling, not even a flat,

Could ruin their Christmas I’ll tell you that.

With their Christmas restored, they sat ‘round the fire

They looked back and laughed at all that’d transpired.

The phone rang aloud, and they answered with glee,

When they saw their agent’s name on the Caller ID.

They listened quite closely, as the fire glowed bright.

“Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!”